Support Mekeio

The Greek Ladies’ Sisterhood “Zoodochos Pege” is a non-profit Ascossiation exclusively based  on donations, memberships, and courses fees. 

Mekeio needs your support to continue and improve its activities, and also to protect and preserve the landmark it is based on for over 100 years. 

If you are a woman you can support Mekeio through an annual subscription of € 15, by becoming a member. Please inform us of your personal details at in order to complete your enrollment.

If you decide to donate, please notify us at, to receive a letter of appreciation.

Bank: Piraeus

Beneficiary: Αδελφότης Ελληνίδων Κυριών «η Ζωοδόχος Πηγή»/ Greek Ladies’ Sisterhood “Zoodochos Pege”

ΙΒΑΝ: GR84 0171 3010 0063 0114 2032 530